Sunday, April 12, 2015

Infusion of Accountability

With a multitude of work teams spread across Trinidad, ensuring that the CEPEP programme is above board in every respect is the bull that the Board and Management have taken by the horns.  

Under the stewardship of Board Chairman, Adesh Deonarine, and General Manager, Carl Jagdeo, along with the CEPEP Management team, this reinvigorated and refocused company has created an environment that is zero tolerance for failing to comply with the Company accounting requirement.  

Implementing Procedures 
The attendance of CEPEP workers assigned to a specific area is recorded on a daily basis. Field officers regularly cross-check the attendance register with numbers on the ground in an effort to reduce the likelihood of truancy among the workers. Employee data sheets compile information about CEPEP workers such as current address, pertinent identification information and active bank account numbers, as a means of validating the employment of actual persons.  
Field officers monitor attendance on jobsites
The dispatch of auditors to the various CEPEP regions to scrutinize the books, provides a further seal on a fairly airtight system. Reports are submitted and stringent controls are implemented as necessary.  

The company also encourages ordinary citizens to nurture this atmosphere of accountability among workers. Hotlines and email addresses are publicized so queries or complaints about environmental services in communities or the absence of work crews can be forwarded to CEPEP Management.  

A new dawn in CEPEP governance 
These measures were introduced and enforced under the current Board of Directors. They represent the shared vision of the Board and the Management to vanquish the spectre of corruption and inspire public confidence in the programme.

Increased accountability isn’t borne solely by the workers. Contractors who employ them are required to register as a limited liability company, pay NIS and health surcharge for their workers. They must also supply proof that these payments are, in fact, made.

Proper record keeping has now become part of the culture at CEPEP
The Management at The CEPEP Company Limited meets regularly with contractors to ensure that they are on target with all of their obligations to the workers and the government.

Where there are lapses in compliance, contracts can be terminated and opportunities given to other qualified, small entrepreneurs.

The infusion of accountability at every level of The CEPEP Company Limited has dramatically improved corporate governance. The welfare of the workers, as well as taxpayers’ money, is now more conscientiously managed.

The company’s determination to undermine the culture of graft, which has historically afflicted social programmes in this country, has dramatically improved CEPEP’s delivery of services to the country.

Comprehensive change, though, does take time. Malfeasance practised for decades cannot be dismantled overnight. This, however, is the new CEPEP; checks and balances are the new culture in an organisation trying to create pathways to improved lives for all our citizens. 

If you have any complaints or queries call us at 698-CPEP (2737) or email us at

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